Local Wonders

Am 17. Novem­ber erscheint mein Gedicht „Skel­lig Micha­el“ in der Antho­lo­gie „Local Won­ders“ (Deda­lus Press).

Aus dem Ankün­di­gungs­text: „Far from a pan­de­mic antho­lo­gy, LOCAL WONDERS is a gathe­ring of most­ly cele­bra­to­ry poems, writ­ten by poets from all over the island of Ire­land, and far­ther afield, sin­ce ear­ly 2020 when the world was so utter­ly chan­ged. It is an invi­ta­ti­on to see and name and sing the prai­ses of what is nou­ris­hing and of value to us now — not to turn away from the things that haunt and trou­ble us, but to see bey­ond into the bet­ter world that poet­ry makes visible.“